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Describe your business vision:
We don’t have a vision document. We don’t really talk about the future. We are mostly driven by the opportunities that come our way. Maybe someday our ship will come in.
We have a vision statement, but it’s too general to be useful. It doesn’t guide our planning. All we have is our annual budget. Only our leaders know where we are going.
We have a vision document that is clear and compelling. It guides our strategic and annual planning. Our employees don’t fully understand how their roles contribute to it. Our leaders are committed to seeing it happen.
We have a vision document that is clear and compelling. It guides all our planning and decision-making. Our employees understand how their individual roles contribute to it. We’re collectively committed to making it a reality.
Is your situation worse, better, or exactly as the statement directly above describes?
Describe your business focus:
We’re unfocused and frazzled. We say yes to almost everything. Because we don’t have enough resources, we often make mistakes and miss deadlines. As a result, we keep losing our best clients.
We’re unfocused and drifting. We say yes to more opportunities than we should. As a result, we’re spread too thin, often execute poorly, and miss important deadlines. We’ve lost some clients as a result.
We’re focused and disciplined. We say no to opportunities that fall outside the scope of our vision. We have enough resources to execute well and hit our deadlines. We impress our clients and retain their business.
We’re laser-focused on achieving our business goals. We say no to almost every opportunity so we can concentrate on delivering world-class client experiences. Our intense focus enables us to wow our clients and secure their referrals.
Is your situation worse, better, or exactly as the statement directly above describes?
Are you a business owner?
Describe your team:
Our team is mostly B and C-level players. Several key positions are unstaffed. No formal hiring process exists, so each leader hires based on their own criteria. Hiring produces unpredictable results.
Our team is uneven—some strong players and some weak. Most key positions are staffed, but we should let some people go. Though we have hiring procedures in place, we struggle to enforce compliance. Results are hit and miss.
Our team is mostly A-players. We have a well-defined hiring process that everyone follows. We recruit people who have the necessary character, competence, chemistry, and conviction to win in our culture. Our results are generally predictable.
Our team is all A-level players. We have a carefully engineered hiring process that delivers predictable results. We only hire people with outstanding character, competence, chemistry, and conviction. They’re always a cultural fit.
Is your situation worse, better, or exactly as the statement directly above describes?
Describe your business culture:
Our culture is toxic. We don’t have defined core values. Anything is okay so long as the job gets done. Our leaders sometimes engage in unethical behavior. Our employees are here for the paycheck only.
Our culture is mostly okay. We have a written set of core values. However, they’re little more than a lobby plaque. Our leaders rarely talk about our values. Employees aren’t hostile, but they’re also not especially engaged.
Our culture is healthy. We have a written set of core values. They inform what we acknowledge and reward. Our leaders hold themselves accountable to them. As a result, employees trust our company and are engaged.
Our culture is world-class. We have a written set of core values. They drive what we reward and what we won’t tolerate. Our leaders model them and their commitment is contagious. Employees trust our company and are fully engaged.
Is your situation worse, better, or exactly as the statement directly above describes?
What is the annual revenue of your business?
Less than $150,000
Describe your clients:
We don’t have enough clients and can’t afford to be choosy. We take on anyone no matter how demanding or unprofitable they are. Though we should probably fire some of them, we need the cashflow.
We have enough clients, but they’re a mixed bag. We tolerate more abuse than we should. Our worst clients suck up most of our time and attention. As a result, our best clients are not getting what they deserve.
We have plenty of clients. We segment them to ensure that our best, most profitable clients get the bulk of our time and attention. Our clients are happy with our work and stick with us a long time.
We have plenty of clients and more beating down the door. We only recruit those that are highly-profitable and low-maintenance. As a result, our clients love our work and act as evangelists on our behalf.
Is your situation worse, better, or exactly as the statement directly above describes?
Describe your business data:
We lack clear and timely financial data. Spending is mostly in reaction to pressing needs or opportunities. This area of the business is stressful and chaotic. We have zero cash reserves.
Our financial data gives clarity into the past, but we don’t have visibility into the future. We constantly struggle with cashflow. Some months are good; others are bad. We have little in the way of cash reserves.
In addition to regular financial reports, we maintain a weekly cashflow forecast. We know exactly what monies are coming in and going out. We’re able to head off trouble before it begins. We have ample cash reserves.
In addition to regular financial reports and a variety of forecasts, we maintain a dashboard of our key metrics. As a result, we can head off trouble before it begins and invest strategically in the future. We have abundant cash reserves.
Is your situation worse, better, or exactly as the statement directly above describes?
Describe yourself:
I struggle to delegate. I have to do it myself if I want it done right. Besides, it takes me longer to explain it than just do it. Regardless, I can’t afford to hire someone else right now.
I delegate some of my work. But I either delegate then abdicate or delegate then suffocate. My team is frustrated, and I often wonder if delegation is worth the effort.
I delegate much of my work. I set clear expectations and check-in on my team’s progress. My team’s eager to help, because I don’t micro-manage them. I couldn’t do my job without them.
I only do what I’m uniquely qualified to do. I delegate everything else. I love my work and spend most of my time working on my business rather than in it. My company is growing rapidly but in a sustainable way.
Is your situation worse, better, or exactly as the statement directly above describes?
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