Unique token for entry
Describe your Purpose cultural domain:
I’m not sure if our company has formalized its core values, mission, or vision. I’m also not sure our team has formal goals for this year or quarter. I don’t have any specific priorities for this week other than to survive. I don’t feel my work really matters.
I’m not that familiar with our company’s core values, mission, or vision. I’m also not sure what our annual or quarterly goals are beyond improving our financial performance. I should probably know what my priorities are for this week, but mostly I’m just reacting to whatever happens. Sometimes I feel like my work matters; sometimes I feel I’m spinning my wheels.
I understand the company’s core values, mission, and vision. I know what our team’s goals are for this year and quarter. I know what my priorities should be for this week. I feel like my work matters.
I understand and can communicate to others our company’s core values, mission, and the key components of our vision. I know and can itemize our team’s goals for this year and quarter. I know my three biggest priorities for the week. I understand how my individual work contributes to the whole.
Is your situation exactly as the statement directly above describes, better or not quite there?
Not Quite There
I feel like I’m on-call 24/7. As a result, I’m typically working more than 60 hours a week. I often work on weekends and even vacations. Sadly, I spend most of my time doing work I dislike and lack skills for.
I feel like I have to respond to calls and emails even after hours. As a result, I’m typically working 50–60 hours a week. I sometimes work on weekends and occasionally on vacations. Unfortunately, I spend at least half of my time doing work I dislike and lack skills for.
I’m not expected to be available or responsive after office hours. As a result, I’m working 40–50 hours a week on average. I rarely work on weekends and almost never on vacations. Thankfully, I spend more than half my time doing work I enjoy and am skilled at.
I enforce strict boundaries around my office hours. As a result, I’m working no more than 40 hours a week on average. I never work on weekends unless it’s an emergency. I take all my allotted vacation time and never work during this time off. Happily, I’m spending 85 percent or more of my time doing work I enjoy and am skilled at.
Is your situation exactly as the statement directly above describes, better or not quite there?
Not Quite There
I feel like I’m paid less than I’m worth. In fact, I’m not paid enough to meet my family’s basic needs. Our benefits package is the bare minimum. I really don’t feel valued by my company.
I’m not sure if I am being paid what I’m worth. Consequently, I struggle to make ends meet. Our benefits package is missing some key components. I feel undervalued by my company.
I feel like I’m paid what I am worth. Consequently, I have sufficient income to provide for my family and even save some for the future. Our benefits package covers all the basics. I feel valued by my company.
I’m paid well. Consequently, I have sufficient income to provide for my family and invest for the future. Our benefits package is world-class and includes benefits that are truly innovative. I feel highly-valued by my company.
Is your situation exactly as the statement directly above describes, better or not quite there?
Not Quite There
I’m not appreciated for my unique experience, gifts, or perspective. I feel pressure to be like everyone else. I don’t feel free to voice a dissenting opinion. As a result, I don’t feel like I really belong here.
I feel underappreciated for my unique experience, gifts, or perspective. I feel some pressure to be like everyone else. I’m careful about voicing my opinions. I’m not sure if I really belong here.
I’m appreciated for my unique experience, gifts, and perspective. I feel free to be myself, even though I’m different than others. I feel free to voice concerns, disagree, and engage in healthy debate. I feel comfortable in this environment.
Management routinely expresses appreciation for my unique experience, gifts, and perspective. I’m encouraged to be myself, even though I’m different than others. I’m encouraged to voice concerns, disagree, and engage in healthy debate. I love my colleagues and feel at home in this environment.
Is your situation exactly as the statement directly above describes, better or not quite there?
Not Quite There
I don’t feel my boss appreciates the work I do. I’m never told I did a good job. I’m not really sure if I’m winning or losing. As a result, I don’t feel confident in my role.
My boss occasionally expresses appreciation for the work I do. However, I’m rarely told I did a good job. I have a general idea of what winning looks like. As a result, I sometimes feel confident in my role, but at other times I don‘t.
My boss routinely expresses appreciation for the work I do. I’m often told I’m doing a good job. I feel like I’m winning at work. As a result, I mostly feel confident in my role.
My boss, colleagues, and others in the company go out of their way to express appreciation for the work I do. I’m frequently told I’m doing a good job. In fact, I feel like I am killing it at work. As a result, I feel totally confident in my role.
Is your situation exactly as the statement directly above describes, better or not quite there?
Not Quite There
I’m surrounded by peers who don’t seem interested in professional growth. I don’t have a budget for training and growth. It just doesn’t seem like a priority. My company doesn’t provide routine opportunities for growth as a team. Consequently, my value to the company is not increasing.
A few of my peers are interested in professional growth, but most seem uninterested. If I want the company to invest in my professional growth, I have to get approval. Sometimes it’s given; often it’s not. My company provides occasional opportunities for us to grow as a team. Consequently, though my value to the company is growing, it’s at a much slower pace than it could be.
I’m surrounded by growth-oriented peers. I have an annual budget for training and education. My company provides routine opportunities for us to grow as a team. Consequently, my value to the company continues to grow.
My company prioritizes professional development for everyone. Everyone on our team has a designated budget for training and development. My company provides frequent opportunities for us to grow as a team. Consequently, the entire team’s value to the company continues to grow.
Is your situation exactly as the statement directly above describes, better or not quite there?
Not Quite There
I feel micromanaged. I don’t feel trusted to do my job. I’m not just told what to do, but exactly how to do it. In fact, it feels like I can’t do anything without getting approval first.
I’m managed more than necessary. I don’t feel like management thinks I’m smart enough to figure things out on my own. I’m told what to do and often how to do it. I can do some things without getting approval, but anything out of the ordinary requires prior approval.
I feeI have the freedom to do my job without much oversight. I feel like management trusts me to do my job. I’m held accountable for results; as long as I’m getting them, I’m pretty much left alone. I only have to get approval on things that fall outside my budget or an agreed-upon deadline.
I have almost total freedom to do my job. If I need help, I’m expected to ask for it. I feel like management considers me the expert in my field. I’m held accountable for results; if I’m not getting them, I’m expected to solve the problem. I don’t have to get approval on anything unless it’s going to adversely affect the annual budget or negatively impact our cash flow.
Is your situation exactly as the statement directly above describes, better or not quite there?
Not Quite There
I feel like I’m deliberately kept in the dark. I don’t really know how our company is doing—financially or otherwise. No one bothers to explain why we do what we do. I don’t feel like it’s safe to ask questions or challenge the status quo.
I feel like management holds information close to the vest. I have a vague sense of how the company is doing financially but not any details. I know why we do some things, but other things are a mystery. I feel like I can occasionally ask questions or challenge the status quo, but I have to be cautious.
I feel management makes an effort to keep us all informed. I know exactly how our company is doing financially. I generally understand why we do what we do. I feel like it is safe to ask questions and challenge the status quo.
Management routinely updates us with information. It’s built into our routine meetings. I know how our company is doing against our major goals and budget. I know exactly why we do what we do. I feel like it’s safe to ask questions, challenge the status quote, and respectfully debate anyone in the company.
Is your situation exactly as the statement directly above describes, better or not quite there?
Not Quite There
My boss assumes he/she is smarter and more capable than everyone else. I’m rarely asked for my opinion; it doesn’t seem to matter. My expertise is minimized or considered irrelevant. As a result, I don’t feel respected for what I contribute.
My boss seems to have a clique of people he/ she respects as smarter and more capable than others. I’m occasionally asked my opinion, but I’m not sure what management does with that information. My expertise is respected, but I’m discouraged from commenting outside that expertise. As a result, I feel somewhat respected for my contribution.
My boss treats me like a peer. I’m often asked for my opinion. My knowledge and expertise is valued and solicited. As a result, I feel respected for my contribution.
My boss treats me like a partner. I’m encouraged to speak up. I don’t have to wait to be asked. My knowledge and expertise is publicly praised. As a result, I feel confident in my contribution.
Is your situation exactly as the statement directly above describes, better or not quite there?
Not Quite There
I’m required to work in the office. However, our office space is drab and uninspiring. Our technology is dated and makes work more difficult. I’m constantly interrupted by my colleagues, making it difficult to focus and get the important work done.
I can occasionally work remotely but only if I get permission beforehand. Our office space is sufficient but dated. Our technology is adequate but not as good as it should be. I’m periodically interrupted by my colleagues, making it difficult to focus for longer periods of time.
I have the flexibility to work remotely when I need to work on important work. Our office space is clean and functional. Our technology is up-to-date and makes work easier. I’m able to schedule uninterrupted time each week.
I have the flexibility to work wherever I can be most productive. Our office space is beautiful and inspiring. Our technology is state-of-the-art, and I’m encouraged to secure whatever apps I need to get my work done. It’s easy to schedule large blocks of uninterrupted time for focused work that drives results.
Is your situation exactly as the statement directly above describes, better or not quite there?
Not Quite There
I dread meetings. I cannot get any real work done because of all the meetings I am forced to attend. They are poorly run: there’s no written agenda, they don’t start or end on time, and no one tracks action items. We frequently waste time in meetings because leaders seem to be trying to outsource their thinking or put off decisions they could make themselves.
I have mixed feelings about meetings; some are productive, others aren’t. I generally have too many. This means I often have to take work home to get it done. Some meetings are run well and some aren’t. We occasionally waste time in meetings, because the leader doesn’t seem sure about what outcome he/she wants.
Generally, I look forward to meetings. Despite the number, I have several each week, I usually have time to get my other work done. Meetings are well-run: there’s a written agenda, someone tracks action items, and they start and end on time. They are productive because the leader knows what outcome he/she wants.
I look forward to meetings. I have the right number, and they help me get my work done. Meetings are efficient and well-run. We primarily use them to collaborate, clarify thinking, make decisions, and/or secure alignment.
Is your situation exactly as the statement directly above describes, better or not quite there?
Not Quite There
Our company almost never gets the entire team together. It seems oblivious to personal milestones (e.g., birthdays, anniversaries, birth of children, adoptions, etc.). It almost never celebrates professional achievements. It also seems to regard social connection among employees as a waste of time.
Our company occasionally gets the team together. It isn’t generally proactive in recognizing personal milestones. Sometimes it happens, but it’s not consistent. Our company occasionally celebrates professional achievements, but there doesn’t seem to be criteria for determining what gets celebrated. Our company usually provides an annual opportunity for us to connect socially, but that’s about it.
Our company gets everyone together on a frequent basis. It is proactive in recognizing birthdays and other milestones. It publicly celebrates big professional achievements. It also provides periodic opportunities for us to connect socially.
Our company gets everyone together on a regular basis to celebrate wins, update us on progress, and solicit our input. It recognizes personal milestones and publicly celebrates professional achievements, big and small. It also provides frequent opportunities for us to connect socially.
Is your situation exactly as the statement directly above describes, better or not quite there?
Not Quite There
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